The first informative colouring book from Conservation Club is now available! BUY IT NOW!
This one is about the Wallum environment in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia. It is aimed at readers from 8 to 80+ with interesting facts and reasonably accurate black and white detailed illustrations for you to colour in whilst you enjoy learning about the 54 species of animals featured.
More informative colouring books are being developed as well as some story books for younger readers so subscribe to our mailing list to be kept informed of new books and products coming to Conservation Club soon.
With so many incredibly unique environments in Australia, more will be explored in future books such as: Noongar Country, Brigalow Belt, Dry Tropics and many more! If you live in an interesting and not very well known environment, shout out and let me know via email! Perhaps your ‘backyard’ will be the focus of another book!
Elysia Rainwood